Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A season of "waiting"

I've been in a season of "waiting." Waiting for responses from medical schools, waiting for my body to heal from two surgeries, waiting waiting waiting. Today I was blessed with the lesson that "waiting" is a form of obedience to God's word/truth. This blew my mind. Of course I know He asks us to be patient often, but I always see waiting as a burden. Heck, don't we all?! We all want results now. Better yet, we all want results of OUR plan now. When I shifted my perspective of waiting as a burden to waiting as obedience, I was able to realize God's sovereignty. In my waiting place I cling to the hope that God will not leave my story unfinished or unredeemed. And it's so important to remember our story MAY NOT (and probably won't) LOOK AS WE EXPECTED but, our story is His story. We can wait with hope and we can trust and obey with confidence. Thanks be to God. know He is up to something big for me. That I know. I have this deep down feeling He is doing some great work for me I just need to be patient.
Lord grant me the patience to be obedient and wait with the Lord. When it gets hard to wait; draw my heart closer to you. Allow me to press in to your word and wisdom for the reminder. The reminder of what you and Jesus did for us. Remind me not to worry because You are in control. And WHEN things don't happen as I planned let this serve as a reminder of your sovereignty. They aren't going to happen as I planned and I need to understand that. What you are doing I could not even conjure up in my greatest of imaginations. Your plan for me is far greater than anything I could ever imagine.
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