Friday, September 30, 2016

Proverbs 31 Women

Can I get an AMEN?! It is so sad and scary to think how different the virtuous woman depicted in the Bible is from what society values today. Charm, beauty, among all other shallow things are all temporary. We are all so consumed about how people view us (I'm most guilty!), how many likes we can get, or followers (etc) that we go as far as twisting ourselves into something we aren't created to be. We lose sight of our Creator and quite frankly are running in the opposite direction from Him. We are created in his image and each of us are completely and 100% unique- there is no one the same as you, how beautiful is that?! Instead of changing and striving to be like someone else, get close to the Lord and He will mold you into something far greater than you could ever even imagine. Let's empower one another to stop fearing other people's opinions and start fearing the Lord, whose opinion is the only one that matterd. Let us empower one another to forget society's expectations and live loved by our mighty creator. Let us empower one another to stop wasting time conforming to unreal expectations that society values and start using that time to grow with God and let him mold us.
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